“Kang Ji-han, known for his impeccable demeanor and charm, harbors a secret: he’s engaged in a clandestine affair with Ji Jin-young, a senior from his department whom he met through a discreet app. However, even the most composed individuals have their lapses. During a department gathering, Ji-han, under the influence, mistakenly kisses Moon Hui-seop, a fellow student with a penchant for otaku culture. Since then, Hui-seop has been inexplicably drawn to Ji-han, trailing his every move…” “Ji-han, refrain from kissing that individual. We’re together,” Ji-han is bewildered by the geeky guy’s logic, presuming they’re a couple after a single kiss. Men with unruly hair, vintage plaid attire, and delicate complexion behind spectacles are ideal! I’m not too fond of Ji-han. Initially, I never imagined getting entangled with Hui-seop, the quintessential nerdy type, but upon closer examination, I discovered he plays the lottery without scratching a single ticket…?! With Hee-seop’s arrival, Jin-young’s romantic encounters began multiplying. I’m steadfast in my refusal to fall in love! Who will be the one to sway Ji-han’s heart in this convoluted trio’s dynamics?